I've been overdue for switching to 'real' blogging for a few years now so I'm giving it a try. This will always be free. It will likely contain lots of posts about random engineering topics which having nothing to do with Chia. Rest assured I’m full time at Chia but there’s a place for all that work to go while my hobby thoughts need a place to so I can stop worrying about them so they tend to become blog posts.
For now here’s the answer to the #1 question which is where can people get my puzzles. The short answer is here although many of those are available more conveniently elsewhere. More expediently you can play this game right this second.
I tried some of the kersnaps, they are good! #57 drove me crazy, and then I realized (rot13) gung V pbhyq fbyir gur chmmyr hfvat guerr pbybhef vafgrnq bs sbhe. Was that intended?