If you want to know how bad your computer display is, go here, select sRGB for the gamut, OKLab for the geometric color coordinate space, and Color for the spectral colors, and rotate it around. You’ll get a much better sense of what’s going on rotating it in 3D yourself, but I’ll do some explaining. Here’s a screenshot showing just how much of the color space your monitor is missing:
The colored shape shows the extremes of what your color can display. It’s warped to reflect the cognitive distance between colors, so the distances in space reflect the apparent distance between the colors in your brain. Ideally that shape would fill the entire basket, which represents all the colors your eyes can perceive. You might notice that it comes nowhere close. It’s a stick going from black at the bottom to white at the top, with just enough around it that you can get colors but the saturation is poor.
The biggest chunks missing from this are that there’s very little bright blue and dark cyan. This may be why people mischaracterize cyan as ‘light blue’. Our display technologies are literally incapable of displaying a highly saturated light blue or a highly saturated dark cyan. It’s likely that most of the paintings from Picasso’s blue period can’t be displayed properly on a monitor, and that he was going with blues not as a gimmick but because it’s literally half the human cognitive space. If you have the ability to make a display or physical object without the standard restrictions go with bright blue or dark cyan. Even better contrast them with each other and break everybody’s brains.
Sadly this situation is basically unfixable. The Rec2020 standard covers much more of the color space, but you can’t simply display sRGB values as Rec2020 values. That will result in more intense colors, but because the original inputs weren’t designed for it the effect will be cartoony and weird. You can simply display the correct values specified by sRGB, but that will waste the potential of the display . If there was content recored for sRGB which specified that in its format it would display very well, but that’s has a chicken and egg problem, and the displaying input recorded for Rec2020 on a legacy sRGB display is even worse than going the other way around. Maybe about the best you can do is have a Rec2020 display which applies a superlinear saturation filter to sRGB input so low saturations are true but ‘fully saturated’ values look more intense.
This is an example of how modern televisions do a huge amount of processing of their input before displaying it and it’s extremely difficult to disentangle how good the physical display is from the quality of the processing software. Another example of that is in the display of gradients. A 10 bit color display will naturally display gradients much better than an 8 bit color display, but an 8 bit color display can dither the errors well enough to be nearly imperceptible. The problem then is that causes flicker due to the dithering changing between frames. There are ways of fixing this by keeping information between frames but I don’t think there’s an open source implementation of this for televisions to use. One has to assume that many if not nearly all of the proprietary ones do it.
Speaking of which, this is a problem how software in general handles color precision. It’s true that 8 bits is plenty for display, but like with audio you should keep all intermediate representations with much greater precision and only smash them down when making the final output. Ideally operating systems would pretend that final display had 16 bit color and fix it on final display, or even in the monitor. Lossy video compression in particular inexplicably gives 8 bit color output resulting in truly awful dark gradients. The standard Python image libraries don’t even have an option for higher color precision resulting in them producing terrible gradients. This should be completely fixable.
Popping back up the stack I’d like to fantasize about a data format for display technology which supports the entire range of human perceptible colors. This would encode color as three values: x, y, and luma. x would go between 0 and 2 with y between 0 and 1. It’s a little hard to describe what exactly these values mean, but (0, 0) would be red, (1, 0) yellow, (2, 0) green, (2, 1) cyan, (1, 1) blue, and (0, 1) pink. The outer edge goes around the color wheel keeping opposite colors opposite and doing an okay job of corresponding with cognitive space even in raw form. You could make an approximate rendering of this in sRGB as a smushed color wheel but by definition the outer edge of that would be horrendously faded compared to how it should look. Luminance should work as it implicitly does in RGB: Luminance 0 is exactly black and x and y have no effect. As it goes up the cognitive width which x and y represent increases up until the midway point, then it shrinks again until it gets to luminance 1 which is exactly white and x and y again have no effect. This shrinking at the top is to reflect how real displays work. If you want to get much better bright colors you can use the luminance of 1/2 as white at the expense of everything being darker. Many movies do this, which makes them look great when covering a whole display but dark when open in a window next to true white on a monitor.
Deep diving on color theory of course has given me multiple ideas for hobby software projects, most of which I’ll probably never get around to because many things don’t pan out but mostly because I have limited hobby coding time so things get triaged heavily. If anybody wants to beat me to the punch on these please go ahead:
A color cycling utility which instead of rotating the color space reflects it. Usually when color cycling there’s one position which is true, then it rotates until all hues are changed to their opposite, then it rotates back around the other way. This would instead at all times have two opposite hues which are true and two opposite colors which are flipped and cycle which those are. Ideally this would be implemented by converting to okHSL, changing H to (d-H) % 1 and converting back again. As you change d it will cycle. You could trivially change it to a very nice traditional color cycler using (d+H) % 1.
A color cycling utility which allows user controlled real time three dimensional color rotation. If you take an input image, convert it into the okLab color space and shrink its color space to fit in a sphere centered at (0.76, 0, 0) with radius 0.125 then this can be done without hitting any values which are unreachable in sRGB. The interface for rotating it should be similar to this one. In the past when I’ve tried doing these sorts of three dimensional color rotations they’ve looked horrible when white-black gets off axis. Hopefully that’s because the cognitive distance in that direction is so much greater than in the color directions and keeping everything uniform will fix it, but it may be that getting white and black inverted at all fundamentally looks weird.
Ternary logic could offer an intriguing solution to some of the color representation challenges you've outlined. In a ternary system, where each 'bit' or trit can have three states (-1, 0, +1), we could potentially encode color information with greater nuance than in a binary system.
Thoughts -
More Gradients: With three states per trit, we could theoretically represent color gradients more smoothly. This might help mitigate the saturation and luminance issues you mention, where sRGB struggles to display certain colors with the desired intensity or brightness. A tryte (three trits) would allow for 27 different shades or tones per color dimension (like hue, saturation, and value), potentially offering a richer palette for color display.
Efficient Data Use: Ternary could allow for a more compact representation of color data. Since each trit can convey more information, we might use fewer 'bits' (or trits) to encode color information, which could be beneficial in applications where data compression is key.
Perceptual Mapping: The human eye perceives colors in a non-linear fashion, and the spacing of colors in a ternary system might align better with how we naturally see color differences. This could lead to a more perceptually uniform color space where changes in color values more closely match human perception.
Solving Specific Problems: You mentioned issues with purple hues at angles 300 and 320, where the color's identity changes depending on context. Ternary logic could potentially provide a more granular approach to defining these hues, allowing for a more precise differentiation that might resolve such ambiguities.
Implementing ternary logic in color systems would be complex due to hardware and software compatibility issues but exploring it could open new avenues for color theory, especially in digital displays or in software where we aim to simulate or enhance human color perception beyond current limitations.
Ale po co robić kodek który pokaże wszystkie dostępne kolory jak panel posiada pixele? Czarna plamka pomiędzy pixelami i tak zaburzy postrzeganie tych kolorów przez oko.
Musielibyśmy mieć panel jednolity i niepodzielony na pixele. Druga sprawa - jak skonstruować obiektyw który nam te kolory zarejestruje i ich nie zaburzy swoją nieidealną budową?
I czy każde oko to zauważy nawet gdyby się dało to zarejestrować i wyświetlić, gdy większość ma zniszczony wzrok?
A nawet gdyby mieć zdrowy wzrok to czy czynniki zewnętrzne między okiem a wyświetlaczem nie zaburzą częstotliwości określonego koloru?
Paleta barw jest zupełnie wystarczająca aby pooglądać TV i zobaczyć co masz zobaczyć, np. czerwone buty bohatera filmu ;)