If someone abandons a match (rage quit) how is that determined / resolved?

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If someone drops dead in the middle of the game then their opponent will do an unroll to chain which will cause payouts to both players for the money they didn't have in play and a game coin for each active hand. The player doing the unroll will then play a turn in all hands in which it's their turn, then when a timeout is reached claim an implicit fold by the opponent in all the hands.

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Brem, I have a great idea. It never occurred to you to create puzzles based on NFT (Chia). You have a talent in this business. Life is wonderful, and it's very difficult to relax a little. It really helps me to puzzle over the tasks a little bit. I was glad to purchase and maintain it in working order. In the 21st century, we still go shopping for it.

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When is the beta test planned?

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